Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy Time of Year!!!

With Thanksgiving now a memory, and Christmas approching rapidly, I am reminded of how short our days are! It seems I never have the time to do all that I want to do, but this time of year, I don't have time to do all that I need to do! I am knitting and crocheting in all of my spare time, leaving the cleaning for another time. I still have to make some home made soap for Christmas presents and baby shower gifts.... And, I have yet to put up my Christmas displays outside. With the help of the hubby and kids, we did get the icicle lights on the house yesterday, and the lights on the big inside tree.... Not moving as fast as I would like, but it is going to have to work, because I cannot add more hours in the day, and I love my life so much, that I wouldn't want to share it with a clone!

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