Monday, January 16, 2012

repainted baby bed

yes, you can safely paint baby furniture. You just have to make sure the paint you use is safe for babies!!!!

You cannot buy drop side cribs any longer. It is a safety issue. I, standing at just 5 feet, cannot reach inside a 'fixed side' crib. Although, the drop side cribs are not encouraged, I cannot leave a baby in a crib, anyway :)

I bought a wooden crib at a garage sale one day, with the intention of painting it. I really didn't like the crib, as I was really wanting a drop side, but time was getting close to my grand daughter entering this world, so i gave in and bought it. A week or so later, I was in a vintage store, and low and behold, I saw a wooden Basset crib manufactured around 1995. Not only was it a drop side, it had 2 drop sides!! The store was planning on using it for display only, although she did not really like the style. She was looking for a sleigh style that would convert to a toddler bed, to display baby bedding. We decided to trade cribs :) So, we both got what we wanted! Here are the pictures....



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